Sex Therapy
Understanding Sex Therapy
Whether you’re seeking sex therapy as a couple or as an individual, the emphasis is always on tailoring our work together to your unique situation.
We’ll explore all the different pieces of the puzzle that make up who you are sexually, including biological, psychological, social/relational, and cultural influences. This therapy is open to individuals and couples, depending on what is most appropriate for your situation.
We will be focusing on helping you find ways to create pleasurable and enjoyable sexual experiences, as well as getting comfortable with your sexual sense of self (whatever that looks like for you!). I strive to create a safe environment where we can talk about your anxieties, fears, and desires openly and comfortably. And, just to be clear, this work only involves talk therapy.
What I Can Help With
The types of things I work on with clients include:
- Low desire/mismatched sex drives
- Arousal difficulties (erectile dysfunction, vaginal lubrication, not feeling “turned on”)
- Orgasmic difficulties (taking too long, not happening at all, or happening too quickly)
- Unwanted pain with sexual activity
- Sexual trauma and healing from it
- Understanding and embracing your sexual sense of self/identity
- Navigating differences in sexual interests with your partner(s)

Couples Sex Therapy
I begin couples sex therapy by meeting with you and your partner together to understand your concerns from both of your perspectives and getting to know you as a couple. After that initial session, I meet with each person individually to talk about your own influences on the relationship and any additional concerns you may have. We will then meet together and discuss a plan of action for improving your sexual functioning as a couple.

Individual Sex Therapy
We start individual sex therapy by getting to know one another and gathering information about your life experiences and history, the difficulties you are experiencing, and goals for our working together. That part usually takes the first few sessions. We will then work through those issues together at a comfortable (yet challenging enough) pace.